Design 3 Progress

We have finished coding and beta testing the new design. We are currently making changes based on what we learned during testing. We are hoping to release the design for your review by the end of the week.

There are three stages remaining in the redesign process.

  • Preview Release (hopefully by the end of this week). We will provide you with a way to preview your site in the new design without affecting visitors to your site. We will provide instructions for how to browse your site in the new design, what to expect, the new options that are available to you, and how to give us your feedback. During the preview release, we will be making changes to the code based on what we hear from you.
  • Site-by-site Rollout. When you are ready, we will work with each of you in turn to transition your site to the new design.
  • Retirement of Design 1. We will retire the old design once we finish migrating all sites to the new design. We hope this will be sometime in July, at the latest.

You can expect an update by the end of the week. Thank you for the help you have given us and the patience you have shown during this redesign effort.