Recent Enhancements

Recent Enhancements

We have been working on a large number of behind-the-scenes tasks including updating our core systems for speed, security and sustainability. Over the next few months we will shift focus to projects which are more visible to you. These include adding tagging to various parts of the system, making design enhancements throughout the sites, conducting a revamp of the program brochures, and many other projects.

As we promised the chairs and directors a few months ago, now that broken links are under control we are able to take over updating them for you. We changed the link checking process to email CHSSWeb staff instead of unit staff and we will remove the links from your scores as well. Don't get too excited, though: we will be adding a new measurement to your scores soon.

Here are some of the things we've done over the past month:

  • Users who RSVP to an event now receive an email notification. (Thank you, Mary Schifferli, for suggesting this.)
  • Faculty bios now show all course sections they are teaching from the currently active semester onward. Previously they only showed the current semester's course sections.
  • Removed paging when editing course sections so that you now see all of a semester's course sections in one long list. Instead of poking through the pages to find the right course section you can just scroll through the list. Over the summer we will add either filtering or paging by course level.
  • Updated core technologies (Ruby and Rails) to current versions.
  • Migrated to a new hosting provider.
  • Fixed the document upload button in the new WYSIWYG tool.
  • Fixed resource ordering within groups, group ordering on pages, and the association of groups with pages. When you associate groups with pages you no longer need to save the page.
  • Enhanced the process through which we import program information from Acalog.
  • Imported new courses and updated all course descriptions to match the current catalog.