New Feature: Tagging

We have added new tools to allow you to tag content. Tagging allows us to show site visitors a selection of related content without requiring editors to manually associate each piece of content or manage pages of links that can be out of date. The system currently uses tagging to allow visitors viewing a course section to see a list of other courses, course sections and programs that are related to that section. For instance, this Fall 2015 section of Philosophy 151 is tagged with aesthetics. Clicking that tag takes the visitor to a page which lists other sections in that semester which are also related to aesthetics. The page also lists any programs which are tagged with aesthetics.

You know your courses best and we would prefer to have you use that knowledge to tag your own content. However, if you do not have time to do the tagging effectively we are happy to do it for you. Please let us know if you will be unable to complete the tagging by October 27. We will begin displaying these tags on the public sites on October 28.

The documentation on the CHSSWeb Help Site will help you learn how the tagging works, how it will appear to visitors to our sites, and how you can tag your content effectively.

Please contact the CHSSWeb Team if you have any questions or suggestions.