Order of Pages and Sections in CHSSWeb

The pages and sections of most websites in CHSSWeb have been set up in a particular order. They basically follow the navigation. The first pages are for the navigation at the top followed by those for the navigation down the left sidebar from top to bottom.

With the exception of the root and the home page, Editors are free to reorder pages and sections. If a site has multiple Editors, they should coordinate any major moves. You should set up the order that best suits your site and its Editors so that you can maintain the site as easily as possible.

This list is not complete or completely accurate. (8/31/11)

  1. Root
  2. home (The name of this page is not capitalized. It must be directly after the Root.
  3. For Editor of ___ Website (page) (This page contains notes from the CHSSWeb team to Editors of the website.)
  4. Contact (page) (/contact) (This page has contact information for the unit. It can be generated using a template that displays the contact information for the people in administrative roles in the unit.)
  5. About (page) (/about) (If the website has such a page.)
  6. Degrees (page) (/degrees) (There will be a static "Degrees" page only if the site does not use the Program Application to display its academic programs.)
  7. About UnitName Courses (page) (/course-info) (There will be a static "About Courses" page only if the site does not use the Courses and Sections Application to display its course/section information programs.) (If there is a static not put this page in the Course Info section)
  8. Course Info (section) (contains pages pertaining to courses such as archives of syllabi from past semesters)
  9. People
  10. Faculty (page) (if there is a static faculty page in addition to the People App; I think only WMST has such a page)
  11. News
  12. Event-Info (section) (contains pages that belong to events) (if need be, create subsections of this section for specific events)
  13. Undergraduate (section)  (if unit offers undergrad programs)
  14. Graduate (section) (if unit offers grad programs)
  15. Prospective (section) (if site has prospective student pages)
  16. Faculty (section) (if there are multiple faculty and staff pages)
  17. Alumni (section) (if there is a section for alumni and friends pages)
  18. Resource Page (section) (if there are multiple resource pages)
  • Pages for subgroups of content blocks when those subgroups have long lists of resources  (e.g. Media, Blogs, Literature as subgroups of Resources beyond Mason) (see MES)