Adding an Awardee

Each spring, the dean's office prompts departments and programs to select recipients for their departmental-level awards and to add them to the Awards Application on their websites. The office uses the lists of award recipients on departmental websites for the slide show, displayed during the degree celebration ceremonies, featuring CHSS departments' award recipients for the year.

When you add the first awardee for a new year, the Awards Application automatically creates a new List Page for the new year. The new List Page displays the year in its heading. So, for example, when you add the first award recipient for spring of 2017, the application creates a new List Page with the heading "Student Awards 2016-2017." The new List Page becomes the default awards page. The default page is the page that has the URL /awards.

As a general practice, it is best to enter all the new awardees for the year at the same time, insofar as possible. If you add only one or two recipients, the rest of the new awards List Page will be blank. It wouldn't be good to have a blank awards page for any period of time.

For some awards, decisions about the recipients are made late in the spring, particularly if they involve GPAs or final papers. In that case, add the names of as many of your department's award recipients as you have as early as possible in the spring and add the remaining ones when they have been chosen.

If the department chooses not to give an award in a given year, that award won't appear on the year's award List Page.

New for 2023: For awardees that are graduating, please select the "Graduating?" check box when entering their information. Doing this helps the dean's office identify the graduating students who received awards when the office is preparing materials for the Degree Celebration.

Before you Begin

  • If the award is not yet in the Award Application, add the award first. (Click on "Add a New Award" on the left for instructions.) Make sure you aren't duplicating an existing award.
  • If the award is already in the system, review the information on your website about the award. If you need to make any changes, click on "Edit an Award" on the left for instructions.
  • For each awardee, have this information ready: first name, last name and email address (optional).
  • Have a list of most or all of the award recipients for the year ready so that you can enter them all at the same time. You want to enter as many of the names of award recipients as you have as quickly as possible because it would be awkward to add only one awardee and leave the rest of the page blank for any period of time. (See explanation above.)

Consider writing profiles on the awardees. CHSSWeb plans to program an automatic link from the awardee to an existing profile, if there is one. (This feature does not yet exist.)

Follow these Steps to Add an Awardee to an Existing Award

From the Dashboard

  1. In the left-hand navigation, click on "Academics," then click on "Awards" from the drop-down options.
  2. In the new window, "Awards for [your website]," find the award you want to edit and click on the pencil (edit) icon next to it.
  3. In the "Awardees" box, click on the "Add Awardee" button.
  4. Click in the "Year" text box. Enter the four-digit year for the spring semester. For academic year 2016-2017, for example, enter the year "2017".
  5. In the next three text boxes, add the recipient's first name, last name and email address (optional).
  6. If the student is graduating, select the "Graduating?" checkbox.
  7. The Notes field is intended for limited and specific information relevant to the student and award. The information in this field appears after the student's last name, separated by a comma. For an award, use the field consistently for all awardees. For example, don't use it to list a second major for one awardee and a thesis topic for another. If you have more than one thing to list in the note, don't separate the items with a comma, since the note itself is separated from the name with a comma. When listing majors, minors, concentrations, titles of projects and theses, use sentence capitals. Some suggestions for using the Notes field are given below.
  8. Repeat steps 3-6 for each additional recipient for that award/year.
  9. Save the Award:
    • Under “Publishing Controls” in the upper right-hand of the page, click the “Save Changes” box. 
    • Check both the List Page and the award Show Page online. Correct errors. Save.

Examples for Using the Notes Field:

  • Dean's Challenge winners—lists the recipients' majors
  • MAIS award for Outstanding Thesis— lists the recipients' concentrations
  • BIS awards for Outstanding BIS Project or Most Creative Project—lists the titles of the award recipients' projects
  • History Department Winslow Hatch Award for best senior seminar paper—lists the title of the recipient's paper
  • Scholarship Awarded by the Embassy of China through Modern and Classical Languages—lists the recipients' majors
  • Women and Gender Studies award for Academic Excellence—lists the recipients' majors and minors